Historic Preservation

City of Lamar Historic Preservation Advisory Board official meetings are held the third Tuesday in January, April, July, and October at 7:00 AM in the Lamar City Complex Second Floor Conference Room. The Board holds special meetings and work sessions when appropriate. Meetings are open to the public and encourage community participation to assist in setting new priorities for the future.
Local Designation: building, district, site, structure or object.
Designation is a five-step process that can take up to 120 days from application submission to completion once the City of Lamar Historic Preservation Advisory Board (CLHPAB) receives it. For clarification on what designation to apply for, contact the Community Development office.
The five-step application process:
- 1. Set a preliminary application review with Community Development staff to review the draft designation application and advise additional research needed. Additional information will be provided for process and guidance to improve and strengthen the application.
- Submit completed final application with a non-refundable fee of $50.00 payable to the City of Lamar.
- CLHPAB will review the application to determine completion of application with City of Lamar designation criteria being met.
- Once the CLHPAB determines an application is complete and designation criteria are met, a public hearing before the board is set. All owners of record are notified by mail of the date, time, and place of the hearing. The Board will hear public testimony at the hearing to determine if the property meets designation criteria.
- After the board determines a property meets designation criteria, the application is recommended by the CLHPAB and forwarded to City Council.
Application and Additional Links
- Lamar's Application for Local Historic Designation
- Local, State, and Nationally Designated Properties in Lamar area
- Lamar Cultural Resource Survey (2012)
- Design Guidelines: US Secretary of the Interior Standards
City of Lamar
Historic Preservation Advisory Board
102 East Parmenter
Lamar, CO 81052
Lamar Municipal Code Chapter 2, Article 15, Section 2-15-20(i)(1) states that the board shall “Review applications for designation of sites as being historic pursuant to this Article and make recommendations to the City Council as to whether the City Council should, by resolution, designate the site described in the application for such designation based upon the criteria established in Section 2-15-30 of this Article and any subsequent amendments thereto.” Designation Categories and Criteria Category 1: History. To have historical importance, the designee shall be more than 50 years old or have extraordinary importance to the architectural or historical development of Lamar, and shall: Criteria: 2 a) Have direct association with the historical development of the city, state, or nation; or b) Be the site of a significant historic event or with events that have made a significant contribution to history; c) Have direct and substantial association with a significant person or group of persons who had influence on society. Category 2: Architecture. To have architectural importance, the district shall have design quality and integrity, and shall: Criteria: a) Embody distinguishing characteristics of an architectural style or type; or, b) Be a significant example of the work of a recognized architect or master builder, or, c) Contain elements of architectural design, engineering, materials, craftsmanship, or artistic merit which represent a significant or influential in novation; or, d) Portray the environment of a group of people or physical development of an area in an era of history characterized by a distinctive architectural style. Category 3: Geography. To have geographical importance, the district shall: Criteria: a) Have a prominent location or be an established, familiar, and orienting visual feature of the contemporary city, or, b) Promote understanding and appreciation of the urban environment by means of distinctive physical characteristics or rarity; or, c) Make a special contribution to Lamar’s distinctive character.