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Boards & Commissions

Community Participation in City Boards & Commissions

The City of Lamar encourages area residents to take an active role in governance by volunteering on a Lamar board or commission. Board members are confirmed by the Lamar City Council for staggered terms. Multiple seats are currently available. Contact Mary Lewis in the City Administrator's office at 719-336-1365 or for more information. 

Hard copy applications are available from the City Administrator's office. 

Adjustment & Appeals Board 

This five-member board hears and decides appeals regarding zoning matters in association with the Building Department. 

  • Staggered five-year terms expiring July 1. 
  • Meets the 1st Monday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Conference Room/City Complex.
Airport Advisory Board - ONE SEAT AVAILABLE 

The five-member board serves in an advisory role to City Council and Airport Manager in developing, maintaining, and operating the Southeast Colorado Regional Airport. Council provides liaison. 

  • Five-year terms expiring February 1. 
  • Meets monthly on the 3rd Wednesday at 6:00 PM at the SE Colorado Regional Airport.
Arkansas River Power Authority Board 

An independent board, it establishes policy and direction for ARPA and provides guidance to ARPA staff. The Board is also responsible for developing ARPA’s short‐term and long‐term plans. Council appoints two members to serve on behalf of Lamar, may be a community member and council member. 

  • Four-year terms expiring December 31. 
  • Meets as scheduled in annual resolutions at the ARPA office.
Historic Preservation Board 

The five-member board guides historic preservation efforts and reviews applications for historic designation. Council provides liaison. 

  • Three-year terms expiring in June. 
  • Meets 3rd Tuesday in January, April, July, and October (and as otherwise needed) at 7:00 AM in the City Complex Conference Room.
Lamar Building Finance Corporation 

The five-member board approves the payment of Certificates of Participation for renovation of Community Building.

  • Ten-year terms expiring January 1. 
  • Meets annually and as needed.
Lamar Housing Authority Board 

The Lamar Housing Authority is an aligned non-profit. The five-member board serves as a policy setting body for HUD housing. Council appoints board members and provides a liaison. 

  • Five-year terms expiring June 1. 
  • Meets 3rd Monday of each month at 1:00 PM at the Main Housing Office.
LPI dba Main Street Lamar 

Lamar's Main Street non-profit, Lamar Partnership Inc. dba as Main Street Lamar is a 501c3 non-profit that aligns itself with the City of Lamar to reenergize our Main Street district. More information on MSL is available at

The MSL Board can include up to 15 members plus ex officio representatives of aligning government and community agencies.   LPI Board application

Meets the 1st Monday of the month at 6:00 PM at the Lamar Community Building.

It also seeks volunteer participation.  Take a step to be involved at

Lamar Utilities Board - ONE SEAT AVAILABLE 

The aligned five-member board is responsible for the development, production, purchase, and distribution of electricity at Lamar Light & Power. Council provides liaison and appoints LUB members. 

  • Five-year terms expiring August 1. 
  • Meets monthly on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at noon at the Lamar Light & Power Building.
Library Advisory Board - ONE SEAT AVAILABLE 

The five-member board serves in an advisory role in creating and maintain a modern, accessible municipal library that serves as a gateway of information to the citizens of Lamar. Council appoints members and provides a liaison. 

  • Five-year terms expiring February 1.
  • Meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday at 11:00 AM in the Library Reference Room.
Parks & Recreation Board 

The five-member board (plus two permanent members from Lamar Schools and Lamar Community College) serves in an advisory role to the City Council and Parks & Recreation Department Director regards to the parks and recreation programs of the City. Council provides liaison. 

  • Three-year terms expiring February 1.
  • Meets every 3rd Monday at 7:00 PM at the Community Building
Planning & Zoning Commission - ONE SEAT AVAILABLE 

The seven-member board includes two incumbent City Council members who are voting members. The Board is responsible for the development and implementation of the City’s Comprehensive Development Plan. It advises the City Council on zoning and land use matters to recommend changes to City’s zoning code that are needed to improve the appearance, safety, and functionality of the City for the residents and businesses. 

  • Five-year terms expiring February 1. 
  • Meets as needed in City Complex meeting room.
Public Safety Board - TWO SEATS AVAILABLE 

The five-member board addresses issues and concerns related to the Lamar Fire and Police Departments. Council provides liaison. 

  • Four-year terms expiring June 1. 
  • Meets 3rd Thursday at 4:00 PM each month at the Lamar Public Library.
  • Requires separate application with background check.  Use this application: Public Safety Board Application
Tree Board 

The seven-member board develops the plans for the preservation, propagation, maintenance, and care of the trees for the City of Lamar. Plans and implements Arbor Day activities each April. Council provides liaison. 

  • Three-year terms expiring March 1. 
  • Meets as needed.
Victims and Witnesses Assistance Law Enforcement (VALE) Board 

The five-member board determines the disbursement of funds for victims and witnesses of crimes and related Police Department Expenses. Council provides liaison. 

  • Three-year terms expiring August 1. 
  • Meets as needed in City Complex Conference Room.
Water Advisory Board - ONE SEAT AVAILABLE 

The five-member board serves in an advisory capacity to City Council and the Water and Waste Water Department Director. The board hears and makes decisions with matters related to City’s water rights, the Frying Pan-Arkansas River Project, long range planning for development and conservation of adequate raw water supply for the City. Council provides liaison. 

  • Five-year terms expiring February 1. 
  • Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at 5:00 PM in the Water Department, Public Works Office.
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