Building Department

Location & Contact Information
City Complex
102 E Parmenter St
Lamar, CO 81052
P: 719-336-2085
F: 719-336-2787
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
The Building Department is responsible for enforcing building, fire, plumbing and mechanical codes in a professional and unbiased manner. Our goal is to provide quality customer service through the permitting and inspection process. Current submittal standards and additional information can be acquired by calling the Building Department at 719-336-2085.
A building permit is required except when the type of work is considered to be aesthetic (e.g. painting, changing carpet).
Building Permit ApplicationA property owner, licensed contractor, or an authorized representative can complete the application. The following describes sections of the permit form:
- Project information: The applicant must provide the address, proposed use of the building or property, and description of work to be done.
- Applicant: This is the name of the person submitting the application.
- Property owner and address: This is the name of the actual property owner and the property owner’s mailing address.
- Contractors: If the project is in a name other than an “owner,” then contractor's name/s and phone number/s shall be provided.
See the current Rates and Fee Schedule for pricing:
2024 Rate and Fee Schedule
Lamar Ordinances that require the use of building permits
- LMC Sec. 6-2: No building or other structure shall be erected, moved, added to, or structurally altered without a permit thereof, issued by the administrative official.
- LMC Sec. 6.5: Expiration of building permit: (a) If the work described in any building permit has not begun within 90 days from the date of issuance thereof, said permit shall expire and shall be cancelled by the administrative official, and written notice thereof shall be given to the persons affected.
(b) If the work described in any building permit has not been substantially completed with two years of the date of issuance thereof, said permit shall expire and be cancelled by the administrative official, and written notice thereof shall be given to the persons affected, together, with notice that further work as described in the cancelled permit shall not proceed until a new building permit has been obtained.
Access Permits
Properties located on US Hwy 287 (Main Street) or US Hwy 50 (East Olive or Main) require a State Access Permit for new construction or change in occupancy/use through the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT): Access Permits - Driveways & Curb Cuts
The Building Department is enforcing the following codes in the City of Lamar and for properties connecting/ed to City water/wastewater within a 3-mile radius of the City limits.
- 2018 International Building Code
- 2018 International Residential Code
- 2018 Mechanical Code
- 2018 International Plumbing Code
- 2018 International Fire Code
- 2018 International Fuel Gas Code
- 2018 International Existing Building Code
- 2018 International Energy Code
- 2015 Energy Conservation Code
- 2015 Swimming Pool and Spa Code
- 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act
- 2006 International Property Maintenance Code
Free access to International Code Council (ICC) Building Codes - Digital International Council Codes
The City of Lamar Building Department works closely with multiple agencies:
- Electrical Inspections: Electrical inspections are conducted by the State of Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA): Electrical Board: Permit and Inspection Information
- Interior Plumbing Inspections: Interior plumbing and gas line inspections are conducted by the State of Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA): State Plumbing Board: Permits and Inspections
- Access Permits: Properties located on US Hwy 287 (Main Street) or US Hwy 50 (East Olive) require a State Access Permit for new construction or change in occupancy/use through the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT): Access Permits - Driveways & Curb Cuts
- Manufactured Home Installation Information & Permits: The Department of Local Affairs Division of Housing (DOLA DOH) regulates manufactured homes and modulars. Installations - Modulars
- ICC Building Codes: Free access to International Code Council (ICC) Building Codes - Digital International Council Codes
- Renovations & Demolitions: Did you know that buildings of ANY age can have asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)? The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) may require an inspection if you plan to renovate or demolish a building. Please find more information on CDPHE's Asbestos General Information page in the General Information section under Renovation and demolition.
- 24 hours in advance please call (719) 336-2085, to request an inspection and confirm an appointment.
- Inspections are done Monday – Friday between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
- The City of Lamar does not provide electrical, interior plumbing, gas line inspections.
- Electrical inspections must be conducted by the State of Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA): Electrical Board: Permit and Inspection Information
- Interior plumbing and gas line inspections must be conducted by the State of Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA): State Plumbing Board: Permits and Inspections
Contractors must be licensed with the City of Lamar to perform work within City limits.
To obtain a contractor’s license the following must be submitted:
- Proof of liability insurance for $100,000.00 (The insurance policy should also list the City of Lamar as a Certificate Holder for notification of any changes of policy coverage).
- Proof of workman's compensation insurance, or copy of the Opt Out documents submitted to the State of Colorado’s Department of Labor & Employment as per their requirements.
- City of Lamar contractor’s license application and supporting documents establishing the applicant’s competencies to perform the contractual work.
- Paid annual contractor's license fee.
- Paid City of Lamar Business / Sales Tax license.
Licenses are good for one year (January 1st through December 31st) and must be renewed annually.
Every Colorado employer must either carry workers’ compensation or file a rejection of coverage form. The Colorado Department of Labor & Employment Division of Workers’ Compensation (DOWC) is making it simpler for contractors and construction companies to comply with this lawby creating a digital rejection of workers’ compensation coverage form.
Complying with workers’ compensation requirements is critical to protecting workers, employers, and a healthy local economy. The DOWC's goal is to prevent uninsured workplace injuries by educating and empowering employers and contractors. For more information, contact Alex Reynolds at
- Ground snow load – 30 lbs.
- Wind Speed – 110 mph
- Seismic design category – B
- Frost Depth – 36” inches
- Live Load – 30 lbs.
- Termites – Moderate to heavy
- Ice barrier underlayment required – yes
Knowing where underground utility lines are buried before each digging project helps prevent injury, expense, and penalties. The depth of utility lines may vary with multiple utility lines existing in one area. Simple digging jobs can damage utility lines and disrupt vital services to an entire neighborhood, harm those who dig, and result in expensive fines and repair costs. Marked lines can show the approximate location of underground lines and help prevent undesired consequences.
A phone call to 811 begins the process of marking underground utility lines. Simple home improvement projects including those on private property need to be marked as well. Personnel will notify the utility companies who will send their crews to mark underground lines at no cost.
For further information please visit