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Storm Cleanup Policy

The City of Lamar recognizes that occasional storms cause damage in our City.  It is willing to assist citizens after storms by removing downed tree limbs and transporting them to the City Landfill for free, dependent on staff availability. Below are the City’s guidelines.

  • Have limbs out to their street within 72 hours after a storm. Any limbs pulled out after five days will be the responsibility of the homeowner for disposal.
  • Place the limbs near but NOT in the street.  Limbs and leaves left in the street can significantly impede street drainage and cause driving/parking hazards.
  • Tree limbs should not be left in or taken to alleys. Tree limbs taken to alleys will be the homeowner's responsibility and subject to code enforcement fines. 
  • Any trees that are trimmed or taken down outside of the storm event will be left and will be the responsibility of the homeowner; they will not be part of the free storm removal effort.
  • Lamar residents and sanitation customers can dispose of tree limbs for free at the Lamar Landfill.  Tree limbs are not accepted at the Lamar Transfer Station after a major storm.  Due to the volume of tree limbs, this would quickly overwhelm the transfer operation. Commercial tree trimmers must pay for loads taken to the Landfill.

The City asks that all residents comply with these guidelines to ensure safety and speed removal.

In the days following the storm event, City crews will pick up limbs for disposal.  After a major storm, removal may take several days as crews move from street to street. Any small branches, twigs, and leaves left can be put in residential dumpsters.

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